In response to concerns raised by parents with children in Prince George's independent schools, school board trustees will take a second look at its recently-revised school catchment area policy on Tuesday night.
Specifically, they'll consider revisions proposed by the policy and governance committee that, in part, redefine "catchment area child" to mean anyone "of school age residing in a catchment area of a school" as opposed to one who is registered in the school district or is of kindergarten age and entitled to register in the school district.
The definition of a "non-school district child" has also been changed in the draft, to be a person of school age who lives in B.C. but is not in the school district. The current definition is a person of school age who is not currently registered in a school district school or program.
Futher in, wording in a section regarding Grades 1-12 students and who may register in a regular or choice program has been changed to "students new to the school district" from "new students."
And a section that required non-school district students who resided during the previous year in the school district to apply through the transfer process has been deleted in favour of one that states registration for students wishing to enter either a regular or choice program in September of the next school year will occur during the first week of March.
Finally, in regards to kindergarten registration, the names of twins or triplets will be recorded on one piece of paper if a lottery is required to determine who can gain entry to a particular school.
A copy of the proposed revisions can be found at the school district website. Go to, click on trustees, then click on board meetings, then click on next agenda.