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UNBC students standing up for Haiti

Students at the University of Northern British Columbia are organizing a day of fundraising and awareness-raising for victims of the Haitian earthquake.

Students at the University of Northern British Columbia are organizing a day of fundraising and awareness-raising for victims of the Haitian earthquake.

"UNBC Stands Up for Haiti: A Day of Fundraising and Awareness" will be held at UNBC's Prince George campus on Wed., Feb. 24,and feature a variety of fundraising events as well as presentations from UNBC president George Iwama, international studies professor Heather Smith, and Becky Row from the Canadian Red Cross. All of the proceeds collected will go to the Canadian Red Cross's relief efforts in Haiti.

"The student clubs at UNBC got together with members of the Northern Undergraduate Student Society shortly after the earthquake, and quickly decided we needed to have a student-organized response to express our sadness for what had befallen the Haitian people, and do our best to send as much aid as we possibly can," said NUGSS president Kaleigh Milinazzo.

Fundraising events hosted by UNBC's student clubs will be held 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. in the Winter Garden, and will be followed by a speaker's forum, 2:30-4 p.m.

Members of the public are encouraged to attend.

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