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Vanderhoof pool dives into design stage

Vanderhoof is close to pooling all the resources it will need to make its proposed Aquatic Centre a reality. The District of Vanderhoof said Tuesday it had more than $6 million committed and $6 million in grant applications pending approval.

Vanderhoof is close to pooling all the resources it will need to make its proposed Aquatic Centre a reality.

The District of Vanderhoof said Tuesday it had more than $6 million committed and $6 million in grant applications pending approval.

"The tender process, Phase 3, will begin immediately following the commitment of the remaining $6 million," said the district's press release.

For now, the district is focused on Phase 2, or the design. The Aquatic Centre Design Committee, made up of three councillors and three residents are working with an architect to prepare the layout.

The goal is to have "construction ready documents" completed by early August 2016.

The district has posted early designs, including the interior, exterior and layout online at

"I just wanted to say a big thank-you to the Vanderhoof Pool Society for exceeding their goal of raising $500,000 for the Aquatic Centre," said Mayor Gerry Thiessen in a statement.

"Their success demonstrates the immense support that the community of Vanderhoof and area has for this project."

Committed funding is from a variety of areas: the referendum brought in $4 million for the project; the District of Vanderhoof gave $700,000; the pool society raised $461,220 and

nearby rural electoral areas are covering more than $1 million combined.

Vanderhoof Aquatic Centre funding
A breakdown of the various parties funding the Vanderhoof Aquatic Centre. - Graph created by Samantha Wright Allen.