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Winter Games team to be revealed

The local governance body for the 2015 Canada Winter Games will announce its initial leaders today. The group will be unveiled by Premier Gordon Campbell and the key officials who won the bid for the City of Prince George.

The local governance body for the 2015 Canada Winter Games will announce its initial leaders today. The group will be unveiled by Premier Gordon Campbell and the key officials who won the bid for the City of Prince George.

"We will announce the founding members of the host society," said City of Prince George spokesman Mike Davis. "We will also be announcing the team that will be travelling to the 2011 Canada Winter Games in Halifax."

The observation team is a requirement made of all host cities by the Canada Games organization. Prince George will be gathering hosting information at the Halifax event and also the summer version of the games coming up in two years.

It is especially important for Prince George organizers to gather as much prior practical knowledge as possible, Games officials have said in the lead-up to today, because British Columbia has never hosted the winter edition of the national sports extravaganza. (B.C. has hosted the summer games twice since 1973.)

The Halifax event runs from Feb. 11 to 27.