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Northern Queer Connection Society gets funding to fill gaps in Northern LGBT history

Northern Queer Connection Society gets funding to fill gaps in Northern LGBT history

$299,000 was raised to make a documentary and archival project
March is now Multiple Myeloma Month in BC

March is now Multiple Myeloma Month in BC

Prince George Cancer survivors share their stories
Cardio drummers keeping the beat for better health

Cardio drummers keeping the beat for better health

Cardio drumming can improve strength, mobility and increase your range of motion.
Homeless deaths in Northern Interior up by almost 50%

Homeless deaths in Northern Interior up by almost 50%

A new report from the BC Coroners Service examines stats from 2016 to 2023
Four Rivers Co-op sues for unpaid petroleum bills

Four Rivers Co-op sues for unpaid petroleum bills

The company's court filing indicates it's owed $153,859.75 by one company, $311,292.05 by another
Last Moccasin Flats occupant served with eviction notice

Last Moccasin Flats occupant served with eviction notice

Pending closure of troublesome downtown encampment now in hands of BC Supreme Court
Court drills down on dental dispute

Court drills down on dental dispute

'At times, the hearing had the feel of an episode of Let's Make a Deal,' judge says
Grocery Angels continue to help Prince George seniors in need

Grocery Angels continue to help Prince George seniors in need

Prince George Council of Seniors Grocery Angels purchase and deliver food to seniors in need.
Time to spring forward, Prince George

Time to spring forward, Prince George

Set your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed Saturday night
Struggling Hudson's Bay Company files for creditor protection

Struggling Hudson's Bay Company files for creditor protection

The retailer, founded in 1670, plans to 'restructure' in face of mounting issues