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P.G. coaches earn Sport B.C. awards

What do Dave Jenkins, Anne Pousette, Pierre Beaudry, Aline Strasdin and Dan Drezet have in common? First off, they're all from Prince George. Secondly, they've all gone above and beyond the call of duty in promoting minor sports in this province.

What do Dave Jenkins, Anne Pousette, Pierre Beaudry, Aline Strasdin and Dan Drezet have in common?

First off, they're all from Prince George. Secondly, they've all gone above and beyond the call of duty in promoting minor sports in this province. And thirdly, their efforts were officially recognized as winners of Sport B.C.'s President's Awards.

Jenkins, a longtime coach in the Prince George Minor Lacrosse Association, was the B.C. Lacrosse Association's choice for the award. Pousette, a director with the Prince George Blizzard Speed Skating Club, was chosen by Speed Skating B.C. Beaudry is head coach of the Caledonia Nordic Ski Club's biathlon program who served as manager of the B.C. team at the Canada Winter Games in Halifax. He was nominated for the award by Biathlon B.C. Drezet is president of the Prince George Youth Volleyball Club and a longtime club coach, whose award nomination was submitted by Volleyball B.C.

Strasdin is currently serving as a coach for Team B.C. in the judo competition at the Canada Games in Halifax. Her work as coach of the Prince George Judo Club earned her the nomination for the Sport B.C. award from Judo B.C.

The awards were handed out Thursday in Richmond.