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Special Olympics Bocce athletes take top spots in regional qualifier

It’s the summer of competition qualifiers for Special Olympics athletes in Regions 7 & 8 as Prince George teams competed in Bocce in Burns Lake recently.
Two Prince George bocce teams traveled to Burns Lake last weekend to compete in Regions 7 & 8 qualifiers and returned with top spots.

It’s the summer of competition qualifiers for Special Olympics athletes in Regions 7 & 8 with two Prince George teams traveling to Burns Lake over the weekend to participate in their first-ever bocce tournament.

The Prince George teams took the two top spots.

Sneak Attack placed first in their division with two wins. The team included athletes Ruth Caldwell, Tara Chiasson, Issac Goudal and Marinka VanHage.

The Italian Stallions placed second with one win and two tied games. The team included athletes Audrey Nelson, Adrian Rosen, Spencer Rourke, and Adam Stokes.

Instead of the usual ribbons the athletes were awarded beautiful wooden medals which will be treasured by the athletes, Wilma VanHage, public relations coordinator for Special Olympics BC Prince George, said in a recent press release.

The Prince George athletes have been practicing since October. Although bocce is an outdoor sport, the athletes were fortunate enough to be able to use the PGYSA indoor soccer fields, an ideal place to learn the game.

Practice moved outdoors in May.

It was a learning experience for the athletes as well as head coach Waylon Becker and assistant coach Peter Goudal as they all learned the rules and skills together.

The bocce athletes and coaches are hoping to advance to the Special Olympics B.C. Summer Games in Prince George from July 10 to 13, 2025.

Announcements of who gets to advance will come late in the summer.