Kurt Ottesen took up tae kwon-do as a young teenager, hoping the sport would toughen him up.
That it did, and the kid from Prince George twice went on to compete for Canada at the International Taekwon-do Federation world championships.
Not only that, he built a career around it, sharing his knowledge of how to strike with fists and feet and the discipline that requires with his students at Freedom Taekwon-do School.
As an athlete, a coach, a referee and as an administrator, Ottesen's life has revolved around taekwon-do, a martial art that combines traditional Japanese, Chinese and Korean fighting styles. His ability to take his talents to the highest levels has opened a door for him into the Prince George Sports Hall of Fame.
Ottesen is one of six new members who will be honoured at the induction ceremonies tonight at the Kinsmen Community Complex. He will share the spotlight with 5-pin bowler Kim Chadwick, freestyle moguls skier Scott Bellavance, boxing coach Wayne Sponagle, powerlifter Tony Tomra, and soccer builder Hans Niedermayer.
See Saturday's Citizen for more.