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Canada Day organizers need volunteers

There's no tradition like the Prince George tradition of spending Canada Day at the park on July 1.
Crowds walk through the various tents set up by local vendors at Lheidli T'enneh Memorial Park during Canada Day celebrations in PRince George. Citizen Photo by James Doyle July 1, 2015

There's no tradition like the Prince George tradition of spending Canada Day at the park on July 1.

There's cake, a multicultural showcase of talent, cake, face painting, cake and a host of concessions with a variety of exotic culinary delights and cake.

Lheidli T'enneh Memorial Park will also host a craft market, a child's craft-making area, information booths representing local organizations and opportunities for local residents to volunteer during this annual event presented by the Multicultural Heritage Society of Prince George.

"We're looking for people to help with face painting and the kids' activities, we need people to hand out programs, flags and pins to the people in the park," said Marlies Greulich, executive director for organizing society. "We are looking for people to help to set up the hot dog concession at about 8 a.m. and we need parking area and gate security. We could always use a few extra people to be gophers or schleppers to bring things from the home base to the stage or the home base and the kids' activity area."

Everything's ready at 11 a.m. and the official opening ceremony kicks it all off at noon.

"We will have the Rocky Mountain Ranger Cadets, we will have RCMP in red surge, we will have a piper that will bring the dignitaries on stage - it's all part of the traditional ceremony," said Greulich. "Then we'll do the national anthem in English and French and then the children's choir will sing it in Carrier, which is always quite interesting."

There will be a drumming welcome to the park, there will be speeches and then there is a medal presentation by MLA Shirley Bond and Mike Morris for a local resident who is the recipient of the British Columbia Medal of Good Citizenship.

"Then there's the birthday cake cutting at the back of the stage," said Greulich.

Entertainment will start at about 12:45 and go to about 6 p.m. when Judy Russell Presents will showcase a Mary Poppins number as the closing number.

Canfor has once again sponsored fireworks that will be set off at 11 p.m. at Connaught Hill.

To volunteer for Canada Day call 250-563-8525.