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Nine things you need to know about the proposed open-pit coal mine near Smithers

Telkwa is a small town at the confluence of the Telkwa and Bulkley rivers, 15 kilometres south of Smithers. Surrounded by mountains, the area is known for backcountry recreation, hunting and fishing, and abundant wildlife.
smithers coal
A woman conducts baseline research as part of the Telkwa Coal mine project in Telkwa, B.C. Photo: Telkwa Coal

Telkwa is a small town at the confluence of the Telkwa and Bulkley  rivers, 15 kilometres south of Smithers. Surrounded by mountains, the  area is known for backcountry recreation, hunting and fishing, and  abundant wildlife. In the fall, steelhead fishing enthusiasts from  around the world flood the community. In the winter, skiers, snowshoers  and snowmobilers head into the mountains. 

Agriculture  is a key part of the local economy. Farmers raise cattle, pigs and  other livestock as well as myriad crops. The rivers are rich in salmon  and provide an important source of food for the Wet’suwet’en, whose  unceded territory the town dwells on.

An  open-pit metallurgical coal mine is proposed for a site just seven  kilometres away from the town, on a natural bench between Goathorn and  Tenas creeks, both tributaries of the Telkwa. The mine would be in a  caribou recovery area and just a few kilometres from an important salmon  watershed. As the Tenas project proceeds through the provincial  environmental assessment process, locals are raising concerns about  potential impacts on water, wildlife and lifestyle.

Here’s what you need to know.

1) What’s the history of coal in Telkwa?

Since the  early 20th century, coal mining has played a prominent role in the  community’s history. One of the town’s main roads is even called Telkwa  Coalmine Road. For more than 50 years, the fossil fuel was used locally  and transported by rail. By the early 1970s, operations dwindled, but  exploration never stopped. 

Telkwa  Coal — 90 per cent owned by Australian company Allegiance Coal and 10  per cent by Itochu Corporation of Japan — is the latest of several  companies to propose a mine near Telkwa. 

In 2014,  Telkwa Coal acquired the rights to the site after multiple companies  failed to develop a mine on the location. In 2017, talks began with the  Office of the Wet’suwet’en and the provincial government. 

2) How big is Telkwa Coal’s proposed mine?

The  proposed Tenas coal mine is estimated to extend just over 1,000 hectares  by the end of its 25-year lifespan. That includes a haul road, sediment  ponds and a containment pond for potentially acid-generating rock,  which is rock that can form acid when oxidized. That acid can then leach  metals that can be harmful to aquatic life. 

Tenas would be a much smaller operation than Teck Resources’ Elk Valley mine,  which spans approximately 5,000 hectares and produces 10 megatonnes of  steel-making coal per year. The Tenas coal mine would produce  approximately 775,000 to 825,000 tonnes of steel-making coal annually.

The proposed Tenas project is now going through the B.C. environmental assessment process. A draft application information requirements document, which sets out the parameters of what the company needs to look at in  terms of potential environmental impacts, has been submitted, and the  public can comment on the project until July 23. 

“We  welcome feedback from the public and this feedback guides our  decision-making,” said Angela Waterman, Telkwa Coal’s director of  environment and government relations. “We believe that we can operate  the mine safely and responsibly and deliver long-term benefits to the  community.”

3) With the Telkwa Coal mine proposed so close to the community, what are residents concerned about?

Nancy Cody  — a resident of Telkwa and member of What Matters in Our Valley, a  community group working to keep locals apprised of the proposed project —  has been monitoring mine development plans since the 1980s. She isn’t  convinced a coal mine in her backyard is safe. 

“To me, the biggest risks are to the water, the wildlife and the fish,” said Cody, who’s lived off-grid in Telkwa for 40 years. 

She told  The Narwhal she attended a public consultation event for an earlier  project proposed on the site. “Our house was smack dab in the middle of  the load-out area.” Since then, she’s kept a close watch on any plans to  develop the site.

Telkwa  Coal touts the close proximity to town as beneficial. Existing  infrastructure nearby lowers capital costs and means less impact on the  landscape, the company said. Being situated so close to the CN rail line  means the product can be shipped to market quickly via the existing  coal terminal on Ridley Island in Prince Rupert. Plus, employees  wouldn’t have to work in camps like so many mine workers in the region. 

“People look forward to having a mining job that will enable them to come home  at night to sleep in their own bed,” Waterman said.

In a small rural town, opinions on development are often polarized. And Cody doesn’t want to be divisive. 

“People  are hungry for work, there’s no question,” she said. “But we need to  create a more sustainable local economy. What can we do to create  employment if coal is not the future? And coal is not the future.”

Waterman said the project will create 150 jobs during construction and employ 170 workers at peak operations. 

The  trade-offs for those jobs, Cody said, are significant risks to water and  wildlife. She also points out that those jobs wouldn’t last forever as  the mine would have a maximum 25-year lifespan, including construction  and reclamation. 

In  addition to post-closure reclamation, the submerged potentially  acid-generating rock would need to be monitored in perpetuity. 

In B.C.,  mining companies give the government money in the form of bonds up front  to cover the costs of reclamation and monitoring. But as The Narwhal reported earlier this year,  the province only has $1.6 billion in bonds from mining companies to  cover an estimated $2.8 billion in reclamation. If mining companies go  bankrupt, taxpayers have to make up the difference.  

Residents are also concerned about dust and noise from blasting, trucks and machinery.

Gabriele  Schimke’s property borders Goathorn Creek and is just a few kilometres  from the proposed site. She previously lived in Estevan, Sask., about  five kilometres from Westmoreland’s Estevan coal mine. 

“We had black dust in our apartment. It goes everywhere,” Schimke said.

Telkwa  Coal said it will manage dust by spraying it with a combination of  chemical binding agents and water at the mine site and during  transportation. While technology to suppress dust both at the mine site  and in transit has improved, respiratory diseases directly related to coal mining still affect workers today.

As for the  noise, Schimke glanced at her horse, listed all the kids who live  nearby and said: “We would hear the blasting from here.” 

4) What environmental assessment is being done of Telkwa Coal’s mine?

The  proposed coal mine is subject to the B.C. environmental assessment  process. However, according to a statement provided by the Ministry of  Environment and Climate Change Strategy, because the project had already  started the process prior to the Environmental Assessment Act being  updated last year, Telkwa Coal was given the choice to proceed under the  new act or stick with the old one. It opted for the latter. 

“It’s  unfortunate that the Telkwa Coal process isn’t going through the new  B.C. environmental assessment process,” said Nikki Skuce, director of  Northern Confluence, a Smithers-based initiative that aims to improve  land-use decisions in B.C.’s salmon watersheds. “It was updated for a  reason. The old B.C. environmental assessment process approved almost  every single project that ever went through.”

There are a couple of key differences between the old and new acts. For one, consulting with community  advisory groups is mandatory under the new legislation. This means that a  group like What Matters in Our Valley would have a seat at the table of  working groups, rather than being on the sidelines. The group asked to  be included in Telkwa Coal’s assessment, but the request was declined. 

The new act also addresses professional reliance, Skuce explains.

“A massive  issue with former environmental assessments was that the company would  contract out different experts to do their environmental assessment  studies, but they could also decide that they didn’t like the science  and would just never release it and hire somebody else to produce more favourable results.”

The new act requires industry to contract the best available scientists. This  government oversight means the science in an environmental assessment  is independent and not geared toward finding results that support the  company’s project.   

Community  members are also concerned the environmental assessment doesn’t require  the company to report on studies assessing the potential effects of the  mine on water — although it is doing such studies. This is because the  water that might be affected by the project has not been designated a  “valued component,” which, according to the Environmental Assessment  Office guidelines, is a component of the environment deemed to have  “scientific, ecological, economic, social, cultural, archaeological,  historical or other importance.” 

“It seems  like that’s a glaring hole in the assessment,” said Jay Gilden, a member  of What Matters in Our Valley. “If you don’t make it a valued  component, then you don’t have to explain directly how you’re going to  protect it.”

Gilden said although fish are included as a valued component, that has little bearing on the protection of the water. 

“You can  imperil the water, and as long as you can come up with some scheme for  protecting the fish — put them in some side pond somewhere — it doesn’t  matter what happens to the water. If you protect the watershed, then you  protect the fish too.”

Gilden and  others are attempting to address the omission through the public  commenting process. “They shouldn’t be able to run the mine unless it is  certain that it will not impact the water,” he said.

5) What are the Telkwa Coal mine’s potential effects on water?

For  Gilden, Cody and Schimke, water is absolutely a valued component of the  Telkwa Coal project. Each speaks to the importance of the local creeks  and rivers, and the aquatic life they support.

“The water is pretty awesome here,” Schimke said. “You can just drink it right from the creek.”

If a catastrophic event like the Mount Polley disaster were to occur here, the downstream effects would be far-reaching.  Severe acid rock contamination of the creeks and rivers would lower the  pH levels to a point where no aquatic life could survive. 

“This would impact the Skeena, the Wedzin Kwa, the Telkwa,” Cody said. “It impacts everyone.”

A  large-scale event isn’t the only concern. With an increasingly  unpredictable climate, many residents are concerned about what would  happen in drought conditions. Telkwa Coal would need to divert water  from the creeks to use in its operations, which would impact water flow  downstream. Conversely, extreme weather conditions could create runoff  from the tailings ponds.

And after the mine is eventually closed, the risk of acid rock drainage would last  forever. It doesn’t take much to kill a river. The small Mount Washington mine on the Tsolum River, for instance, decimated the local fish population.

Skuce points to the Tulsequah Chief mine,  an abandoned mixed-metals mine in northwest B.C. that has been leaching  contaminated water for over 60 years into an important tributary of the  salmon-producing Taku River. 

“If a  tailings pond or a mine is going to require water treatment in  perpetuity, which means forever, and there is a risk to salmon, should  we actually allow that to happen?” Skuce asked. “Because we have all  these legacies that show we probably shouldn’t.”

6) What are the Telkwa Coal mine’s potential impacts on wildlife?

The proposed project overlaps with the Telkwa caribou herd recovery area,  a 1,300-square-kilometre region designed to monitor and protect the  endangered herd. At the last count in October, there were just 32  caribou.

Retired  ecosystems biologist Len Vanderstar was involved in setting up the  protected area and recovery plan in the 1990s. He’s concerned that  constructing a coal mine so close to vital habitat could reverse the  successes in protecting the herd.

“What more  cumulative impact can a herd take that is listed as threatened and in  imminent threat of extirpation?” he asks. “How many more times will the  dice be rolled before we blink these creatures off the landscape?”

The caribou historically used the Tenas Creek area, where the mine will be  located, though not in recent years. But Vanderstar is concerned about  the mine’s proximity to important post-calving grounds, known locally as  the Camel Humps. 

Vanderstar points out that the document outlining the issues to be covered in the environmental assessment doesn’t mention the potential of blasting to displace caribou,  especially in the Camel Humps. “The proponent and government know about  this concern, so why is it not reflected?” he asks.

This isn’t the first time a mine has been proposed in critical caribou habitat. The proposed Sukunka mine in the Peace region would directly impact the Quintette caribou herd,  which is listed as threatened under the Species at Risk Act

7) Why are we mining coal anyway?

Canada produces about 60 million tonnes of coal every year — half of which is thermal coal for power generation and half of which is metallurgical coal, which is used primarily in industrial steel production. About 70 per cent of the world’s steel is made with coal, according to the World Coal Association. 

Before it can be used, metallurgical coal  has to be coked — a heating process that carbonizes it. It is then  burned in a blast furnace with other raw materials — primarily iron ore —  and most of it ends up as carbon dioxide. 

Globally,  the use of coal — both thermal and metallurgical — produces about 40 per  cent of the world’s fossil fuel greenhouse gas emissions. Burning coal  also produces particulates and other gases like sulphur dioxide and  nitrogen oxides, all of which can impact human health. 

There are alternative ways to manufacture steel that produce lower emissions. Manufacturers use electric arc furnaces  to melt recycled scrap metal and produce steel. While this process  produces fewer emissions than using coal, the furnaces require huge  amounts of electricity. Several companies are also developing hydrogen technologies to create zero-emissions steel production. 

“In terms  of steel production, we need to look at other options,” Cody said. “This  much we know: steel-making with coal is bad for the climate.”

8) What about the Wet’suwet’en?

Mark Gray, chairman and managing director of Allegiance and Telkwa Coal, is Māori. He opened a recent virtual open house with a traditional Māori  greeting, speaking first to the Wet’suwet’en. The Office of the  Wet’suwet’en is engaging with the company and the B.C. Environmental  Assessment Office through working groups and consultation.  

When the  Wet’suwet’en asked Telkwa Coal last winter to put the project on hold  while they worked through more pressing issues with the Coastal GasLink pipeline project, the company agreed.

“We paused  for nearly eight months, I think it was, before we restarted, so that  they could focus on other matters,” Waterman said. “And what we can say  is our relationship is of great importance. Our role is to present a  plan, to answer questions and address concerns.”

This  doesn’t mean the Wet’suwet’en support the project. It just means they’re  engaging with the proponent and following the prescribed provincial  process. David DeWit, natural resources manager with the Office of the  Wet’suwet’en, is cautious.

“Status  quo process has proved to be inadequate for the [Coastal GasLink]  pipeline project,” he writes in an email. “In a time when the  Wet’suwet’en are defining how Wet’suwet’en title is implemented and  informs B.C. process, we need courageous leaders from all parties:  Wet’suwet’en, B.C. and the company.”

9) What comes next?

After the  public comment period closes on July 23, Telkwa Coal will review the  comments and submit a public consultation report to the Environmental  Assessment Office. The application information requirements document is  then finalized and the proponent conducts all the required studies to  prepare its official application for an environmental assessment  certificate.

Waterman  predicts the application will be ready late this year or early next  year. “At that stage, once we submit it, then there will be one or two  other public consultation periods.”

Cody is  dubious the project will go through, pointing out that one of the  previous companies that tried to develop a mine at the site was Minalta,  in the 1990s. At the time, Minalta was Canada’s largest coal-producing  company. Telkwa Coal, in comparison, is what is known as a junior mining  company, which means the company has no sources of revenue and is  staking its future on the mine getting the green light. But she still  urges the public to be involved.

“We believe people need to be commenting and engaging. People can make a difference.”