Wednesday's letter from Denise Brown offered a perspective on the breast feeding issue that is unfortunate though predictable. Paradoxically, we expose ourselves to increasingly sexual (and violent) TV, movies, and games, yet feel uncomfortable seeing a mother feeding her baby. You can be sure that there is far more cleavage displayed by young women wearing provocative fashions than in mothers nursing their babies.
In our times, one would hope that any person who is reasonably educated would realize the multitude of benefits breast feeding provides. In a society that cares for its children we should encourage and support parents who are doing their best for their children, not be caught up in the over-sexualization of women's bodies. There is nothing sexual in breast feeding and, in most cases, nursing is done very discretely as depicted in the accompanying photo in the Dec. 22 article.
It is an excellent learning opportunity for children to witness women nursing their babies. With their parent's support, it establishes the ground work for decisions children will make as parents themselves.
Rebecca Austin
Prince George