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At the trough

With the exception of Brian Skakun, all I see is a group that only unites when they can squeeze us (the taxpayer) for another dime. Funny how united this council is when it comes to squeezing another one out of us.

With the exception of Brian Skakun, all I see is a group that only unites when they can squeeze us (the taxpayer) for another dime.

Funny how united this council is when it comes to squeezing another one out of us.

This coming November we need a rebellion and show this bunch that we are sick and tired of their self serving interest.

I am sick and tired of being squeezed for I am running out of dimes. By the way,

none of them are even burping -real pigs do that when they are finished eating. Sickening, they are.

Rick Cook

Prince George