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Bear Lake Blues

Rolling waves as such as so. With beaches so clean in older days, With tall trees blown in the wind. Now Bear Lake Blues has succumbed, with overgrown weeds as just so, to the creepy Crawlies of as such.

Rolling waves as such as so.

With beaches so clean in older days,

With tall trees blown in the wind.

Now Bear Lake Blues has succumbed, with overgrown weeds as just so, to the creepy

Crawlies of as such.

Do we miss Bear Lake Blues we do, to bid farewell was a sorry sum sight.

Miss you we do like memories entwined into footprints of the sand.

Bear Lake Blues

What a sight with regeneration and naturalness, shall you return to

Righteousness , spirit, and beauty and splendor.

Bear Lake Blues

Sylvia Adams

Prince George