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Big industry main cause of bad air

The city has released a new Clean Air Bylaw recently, which is posted on

The city has released a new Clean Air Bylaw recently, which is posted on While there are some informative tips about proper fireplace and outdoor burning, I can't help but notice its tendency to put the blame on individual homeowners of Prince George for it's air quality problems.

It instructs us not to use large wood stoves in the winter and not to sweep the roads in front of our house in the spring, as these are reasons for poor air quality. This is frustrating to me, as it is not rocket science to understand that the majority of air quality issues in this town are the result of the surrounding mills and refineries. Those who have ever looked down on the town from UNBC on a cold, still winter's morning will observe the large thick plumes of smoke that emit from the huge smoke stacks along the Fraser River and spread on down into the Bowl area.

It's big industry in Prince George that needs to face clean air restrictions and not John Q. Public's woodstove, as wood stoves have been the primary source of home heat for thousands of years all over the world.

J. Van der Meer

Prince George