The more information I get, the less convinced l become about the validity of the
proposed Northern Recovery Centre for women.
Upon inquiry, the city informed us that they would need to apply for Y6 zoning which is "Institutional" and allows for recovery and treatment programs. According
to the city, this was the only zoning that was available for this type of facility.
At the May 11 open house, put on by the recovery centre and Marshall Smith, the neighbourhood was informed that they have rewritten a special Z-1G zone called "therapeutic community" just for this site.
I am wondering why they would bother attempting to create a new zone when a suitable one exists, other than for the purpose of tying to make it look more appealing to residents, and soften the reality of what they are really trying to do?
According to zoning laws the applicant does not have to post signs of intended rezoning until 10 days before third reading, which gives very little warning to the community.Third reading allows the community to voice their concerns and make their case against such an application.
Now, wouldn't only 10 days notice make things difficult for residents to gather information, write a petition or inform all affected residents who may not drive by a very quiet rural location?
Seems to me like this is not as above board as they would like to make it seem.
Jodi Giesbrecht
Haldi Resident