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Calling all hockey parents

Minor hockey in Prince George is finished for the season. Spring is definitely here and we are all looking forward to summer. But there is one loose hockey end that needs tending to. And it's a big one.

Minor hockey in Prince George is finished for the season. Spring is definitely here and we are all looking forward to summer. But there is one loose hockey end that needs tending to. And it's a big one.

And it's the one that usually goes unnoticed because when the hockey season is over, we tend not to look back, but look forward to the spring that has arrived. Which would explain why there has been minimal change in the constitution of the PGMHA executive in past recent years.

This loose end is the PGMHA annual general meeting. As parents, if you are like us, you were witness to some goings-on this winter within PGMHA that seemed out of place, perhaps unfair, maybe you were left shaking your head, or perhaps even left feeling a little outraged from time to time. It would be great if hockey was hockey and the kids just got to play the game.

But unfortunately, it's just not so cut and dried. I do believe the time has come for us, as parents of young hockey players in organized hockey, to get a little more involved in the "political" side of our children's beloved sport. Every decision made by PGMHA executive affects our children, directly or indirectly, and it is not always for the better. If you are a hockey parent, or just an interested citizen, come to the PGMHA annual general meeting at 7 p.m. tonight in the cafeteria at the College of New Caledonia. Come to listen or be heard.

Let's better support our players, and leave them to just play the game.

S. Shelke

Prince George