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Canada's Quislings

As the inquisition over the handling of Afghan prisoners rages in Ottawa, we are reminded that history is littered with the stories of individuals and groups who have become synonymous as traitors and acts of duplicity.

As the inquisition over the handling of Afghan prisoners rages in Ottawa, we are reminded that history is littered with the stories of individuals and groups who have become synonymous as traitors and acts of duplicity.

From Benedict Arnold in the United Sates to the highland massacre of members of the Clan MacDonald by the Campbells in 1692 (after accepting their hospitality), the story is a familiar one.

Perhaps the most infamous however is that of Vidkum Quisling, the Norwegian collaborationist who assisted the Nazi's after they conquered his country in 1940.

Even as the body of Pte. Tyler William Todd, 26 arrived back in Canada, and before the fresh dirt has even settled on the grave of Prince George's own Cpl. Darren Fitzpatrick, the Quislings are busy in Ottawa.

From self-serving politicians in the Liberal and NDP parties, and the left wing B.C. Civil Liberties Union backed by their friends in the CBC and Toronto Star, the campaign to discredit our brave men and woman fighting in Afghanistan continues unabated.

Never mind that we are the midst of a bloody war with Canadians fighting and dying, never mind that Afghanistan has a democratically elected government and should enjoy jurisdiction over it's own citizens within its borders, and finally, never mind that the leading cause of death for Canadian troops is suicide.

Not only do our soldiers have to deal with the post-traumatic stress of the horrors of war and seeing their brothers maimed and killed but now they have to contend with parasites back home seeking to cast doubt about their competency and their honour.


Rather than acknowledging these facts, the Quislings and their fellow collaborators continue to drag out a sorry parade of disgruntled civil servants, (presumably in violation of their oaths of secrecy), former Afghan interpreters with a hate on for our government and anyone else with an axe to grind against our country and it's efforts to bring peace and stability to that country.

The results of their despicable behaviour, and the millions of dollars expended thus far, have revealed just one confirmed case of an Afghan prisoner being beaten by Afghan authorities. As soon as Canadian troops became aware of this they took charge of the man.

Wars are fought by soldiers on the front lines, not by intellectual cowards hiding behind taxpayer-funded desks seeking to destroy our will to fight and support our troops.

If even one Canadian soldier hesitates to pull a trigger or detain a suspected terrorist for fear of legal reprisals back in Canada, that is one too many.

Thank God the B.C. Civil Liberties Union wasn't around during the Second World War, filing complaints against out troops for violating the rights of Nazi storm troopers?

War is hell and it is certainly no place for politicians looking for an excuse to discredit their opponents.

By asking our soldiers to risk life and limb on our behalf, in that quagmire where so many have perished, we owe them the benefit of our full and unequivocal support.

The time for second guessing and the whining of intellectual Quislings can wait until after 2011, when Canada has vacated Afghanistan for good.

In the meantime, those pushing for public inquiries and media exposes should be viewed for what they are - traitors.

Traitors to those in the midst of battle and traitors to the memory of the 142 Canadians who have paid the ultimate price.