Language matters, as we rediscover in almost every morning's newspaper.
Discussion threads bristle with competing nomenclatures. Are military medals for valour "won" or are they "earned?" Is it "oilsands" or "tar sands?"
Let's start with oil versus tar since on the West Coast the proposed Kinder Morgan pipeline to Burnaby - now endorsed by both federal and provincial governments but repudiated by mayors, municipalities and environmental activists - frames the conversation.
Industry and government prefer calling Alberta's vast bitumen deposits "oilsands."
Environmental groups opposed to further development there prefer "tar sands."
"Tar sands" evokes the image of a dirty, sticky, gooey, stinky, unpleasant substance that you wouldn't want on your shoes and if you got it on your clothes you'd throw them away.
"Oilsands" evokes associations with a translucent, clean, perhaps even pleasantly fragrant substance that's essential to civilized life - a not-too-distant cousin of those perfumed lamp oils used in an aromatherapy session.
Each side accuses the other of shamelessly misleading spin.
Each accuses the other of cynical branding intended to alter public perceptions of the resource. Each side is correct.
Both use language to manipulate public opinion. That's the nature of persuasion. It's why TV commercials always depict beer as a magnet for beautiful young women, not shouting louts with boom boxes ruining your kids' camping experience.
So, oilsands or tar sands? Are there less politically charged terms? If so, when and how did they come into use? Which term might claim precedence? Is one more accurate than the other?
The first historical reference is from 1715: A woman named Thanadathur told the Hudson's Bay Company about "tzihk-rzrui" used to fix leaky canoes. She was taken seriously because in 1719 a man named Wa-Pa-Sun obtained a sample. Henry Kelsey reported to his bosses but they were interested only in beaver pelts.
Alexander Mackenzie was watching for it in 1789 and explored "bituminous fountains."
He confirmed First Nations using it to caulk their canoes.
In 1875, the Geological Survey of Canada reported "bituminous shales" and "black pitch bitumen" as well as "pools of free petroleum."
In 1882, official reports referred to "sand saturated with petroleum," "petroleum impregnated mud," "flowing asphalt," "iridescent oily scum" and so on.
In 1892, a federal survey makes the first overt reference to "tar sands," but by 1913 it's "bituminous sands" again.
Then, in 1915, there's an experimental use of "tar sands" to inexpensively pave streets in Edmonton, pavement that lasts 50 years. But the first commercial attempt to exploit the reserves is by the International Bitumen Company in 1923. Then, in 1929, it's once again Canadian Northern Oil Sands Products Ltd. and, in 1942, Oil Sands Ltd.
In 1944, the Canadian Wartime Oil Administration refers to the "Athabasca Tar Sands" but by 1953, it's back to Great Canadian Oil Sands Company.
Earle Gray's comprehensive history The Great Canadian Oil Patch uses "tar sands" and "oilsands" interchangeably. But, technically, the correct term is the one nobody uses any longer, the one used by Mackenzie: "bituminous sands."
In other words, choose your bias and accuse the other side of deception.
Now for medals. Is it improper to say a soldier "won" a Victoria Cross? Is that term disrespectful because it equates a medal to a lottery prize when we should say they "earned" their medal? Mind you, soldiers tend to say they "won" victories.
This difference of opinion over "won" versus "earned" actually seems to be largely an American-inspired controversy of relatively recent inception.
Referring to soldiers "winning" medals for valour dates from the Crimean War. The first significant book explaining military honours was entitled Medals of the British Army, And How They Were Won by Thomas Carter, endorsed by Maj.-Gen. Sir James Yorke Scarlett.
The Gazette, which formally publishes - hence "gazettes" - military honours in London has used the term "won" for medals.
So has Veteran's Affairs, which urges Canadians to visit the graves of Victoria Cross "winners" in Flanders and observes that Toronto Lt. Alexander Roberts Dunne, "the only officer to win a Victoria Cross for bravery during the Charge of the Light Brigade," means a Canadian was one of the very first "winners" of the famous medal cast from Russian guns captured there.
The Canadian Scottish Regiment says in its official display of Piper James Richardson that he "won" his Victoria Cross.
Thus, usage is subjective. Newspapers aren't simply "wrong," ignorant or even unintentionally disrespectful to use the term "won" for medals, they simply follow a common practice which, like all usage, evolves over time.