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Citizen poll results: Do you support Prince George city council's decision to increase property taxes by 6.78 percent?

The poll ran from January 26 to February 6. Of the 1,007 votes, we can determine that 569 are from within the community.
Prince George City Hall
City Hall in Prince George.

Prince George Citizen polled 1007 Prince George Citizen readers and asked the question: Do you support Prince George city council's decision to increase property taxes by 6.78 percent?

The poll ran from January 26 to February 6. Of the 1,007 votes, we can determine that 569 are from within the community. The full results are as follows:

Yes, they did a good job to keep the increase from being even more 4.92% local, 5.66% total    
Mostly yes, we all have to pay more for essential city services 13.01% local, 13.11% total    
Not sure 3.51% local, 6.16% total    
Mostly no, would have liked to see more of an effort to reduce expenses 24.96% local, 22.84% total    
No, city needs to tighten its belt like everyone else 53.60% local, 52.23% total    
  Local   Total

Results are based on an online study of adult Prince George Citizen readers that are located in Prince George. The margin of error - which measures sample variability - is +/- 3.07%, 19 times out of 20.

Prince George Citizen uses a variety of techniques to capture data, detect and prevent fraudulent votes, detect and prevent robots, and filter out non-local and duplicate votes.