I wonder if city hall sees the correlation between the garbage hikes and the switch to small containers? A small per cent may be because people are recycling more and have less trash, but more likely it is the only way we can combat increase after increase after increase of the fees. (I thought this new system was saving us money?) If they stopped raising the rates then maybe they wouldn't have to purchase a number of new small containers. Had the medium containers stayed reasonably priced citizens may have kept them - I too have requested a small container. What happens the next time they raise the rates? I tell you what I am going to do, I am going to cancel my garbage container all together and share with my neighbour. Raising the rates is costing you city hall, stop spending on audio-visual equipment for chambers, stop laying new lawns at city hall, stop spending on studies of other studies to accomplish nothing.
It's time to put a cap on personal councillor expenses and time to take the money I give you and put it where it is needed most.
Kim Regan
Prince George