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City taxes seem like good value

I'm afraid I must express my opinion about the cost of my city taxes. When I look clearly at my bill and the amount that directly goes to the city for this coming year I am paying $1,561.

I'm afraid I must express my opinion about the cost of my city taxes.

When I look clearly at my bill and the amount that directly goes to the city for this coming year I am paying $1,561.33, this is not the full amount of my bill as other money goes to schools, regional district, the hospital.

I am not saying the city does not have to be responsible with my money but when I look at the services I receive from them I wonder where other residents of this city think they should cut.

Do we want less policing, less fire protection, less ice time or soccer fields; let's close a pool to save money. Maybe our roads are in such bad repair because past municipal governments have not kept pace with repair, or better yet, let's go back to the old days of snow removal when you came home to a four foot windrow of snow in your driveway. That did not work for me 20 years ago; I can imagine how I will handle it as a senior.

When I paid my car insurance the other day that bill came to $1,642 more than my city taxes. I have two sisters that live in the Shuswap, they would love to pay my tax rate and have access to the services we have in Prince George. Unfortunately for them they pay more for far less.

G. Morrice

Prince George