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Columnist shows his allegiance

Poor Todd Whitcombe, imagine having to try to write his columns, attempting to "appear" credible... only to be continually exposed by having to think through his left wing ideaological straight-jacket.

Poor Todd Whitcombe, imagine having to try to write his columns, attempting to "appear" credible... only to be continually exposed by having to think through his left wing ideaological straight-jacket. Todd is compelled to oppose anything even considered "centre" let alone right of centre on the political spectrum, it just has to be that way for Todd because the poor man is trapped and cannot escape from his far left position.

Todd was even sloppy in his twisting of Dick Harris, the local Conservative candidate's response to the Citizen reporters question specifically about anyone not seeing the economic benefits of the Enbridge pipeline. By the time ole' Todd got finished with his handiwork, he had Harris calling the world "blind and stupid". Nice try Todd but people around here have, for years, seen your rants for what they are... simply year-round NDP electioneering. Enough said.

Christopher Waine

Prince George