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Liberals, NDP playing political chicken

Opposition leader John Horgan made clever use of a procedural manoeuvre this week to embarrass the B.C. Liberals over their refusal to even consider a crackdown on big money financing of political parties.

Opposition leader John Horgan made clever use of a procedural manoeuvre this week to embarrass the B.C. Liberals over their refusal to even consider a crackdown on big money financing of political parties.

Horgan introduced his Campaign Finance Reform Act expecting that it would meet the usual fate of Opposition-crafted measures in the government-controlled house: a perfunctory tabling followed by procedural oblivion.

But in presenting the proposed legislation to ban union and corporate donations to political parties Wednesday, Horgan also moved, under a seldom-used rule of the house, that the bill be sent for consideration to a legislature committee.

Caught off guard, Liberal house leader Mike de Jong pleaded for time: "I'd be in a better position to render an opinion on his motion if we were to have an opportunity to review the bill."

Horgan saw him coming on that one as well. Wednesday marked the fifth time in recent years that the New Democrats had tabled similar legislation and de Jong was house leader for most of those occasions.

"I would expect he will know this bill chapter and verse," Horgan replied. "It strikes me that this is a matter of urgency - an opportunity for this legislature to stand with one voice and say: 'It's time to take the big money out of politics.' I would suggest he support that."

Outfoxed on the procedural front, de Jong could only fall back on the voting muscle of the government majority. By a vote of 41 to 31 - and despite Independent Vicki Huntington and Green party leader Andrew Weaver siding with the Opposition - the Liberals quashed Horgan's motion.

The campaign finance bill would not be sent to committee.

Having called out the Liberals on that issue, Horgan set out to do the same in question period by challenging Premier Christy Clark over the state of care facilities for seniors.

The government-appointed seniors advocate Isobel Mackenzie has reported how publicly-funded facilities are failing to meet the basic care guidelines the Liberals themselves established.

Horgan: "Can she tell this house why it's OK that seniors in care are not getting the care that even the government's levels prescribe?"

Clark fired back with a flurry of numbers on the health file. A 26 per cent increase in residential care beds. A $3.2 billion increase in funding over three years. B.C. again ranked tops in Canada for a range of outcomes.

All prelude to her main goal, which was to bait the New Democrats over their failure to support the economic growth-inducing measures critical to sustaining government revenues and programs funding.

In the hour before the house convened Wednesday, Clark had presided over the announcement of the latest contract on the Site C project. The almost half-a-billion dollar outlay for turbines and generators will provide an estimated 400 person-years of employment for members of the unionized building trades.

"The leader of the Opposition gets a little bit antsy when we start to talk about the economy in this chamber," the premier taunted.

"Here we were today talking about Site C, for example, which the member has opposed."

She referenced Horgan's latest "no" via a letter sent to the federal environmental regulator, reiterating NDP opposition to the

$36 billion Pacific NorthWest LNG project.

"The leader of the opposition sends a secret letter to the federal government telling them that he wants to put a stop to LNG, to put a stop to the 100,000 jobs that that would offer to the people of this province."

Not really secret. The New Democrats did not put out a press release about the letter. But it was posted on the website of the federal regulator and the contents mostly repeated objections Horgan had expressed earlier.

Still, Clark's provocation had the intended effect. Horgan and crew exploded with indignation, giving Speaker Linda Reid one of her toughest days of the session in terms of maintaining order.

Outside the house, Horgan brushed aside accusations of hypocrisy. Yes, he'd attended a $2,000 a ticket corporate fundraising breakfast on the day before he'd introduced legislation to outlaw the practice.

But the NDP can't afford to take a vow of chastity with an election looming and the Liberals already out-raise them by a margin of about $3 to $1. What would Horgan do if offered a $50,000 donation?

"I'd take the money and run an effective campaign," he replied.

"I'm not going to unilaterally disarm. I get calls from little old ladies who say, 'Gee you keep sending me emails John, is it really that dire?' I say, 'Yeah if you can spend another $5 that would be great.' So if someone wants to give me $50,000 so I can leave granny alone for a month, I'm going to take it."

The scrum took an odd turn when Horgan spotted Liberal staffer Ben James standing to one side and listening to the proceedings.

Standard practice for government and opposition to monitor each other's scrums. But Horgan proceeded to call out James over the premier's accusation of the "secret letter" to the federal environmental regulator. The scrum petered out soon after, amid another reminder that the calculating premier knows all too well how to provoke an outburst from her quick-tempered opponent.