This is a letter in response to Mr. Harder's letter titled "Draftee showed little class." I believe that Brett Connolly was front and centre with some big names and as he stood up there on what was probably one of the most memorable moments of his life he did so with nothing but class and as a very proud young man.
He has worked very hard to be where he is, his parents, his family and all his friends should be very proud of him. Many coaches are often seen chewing gum while their teams are playing. Does that make them a redneck from the North.
Brett Connolly has shown that with hard work other young men from the North can also accomplish what he has. As far as Yzerman kinda making a mistake, are you for real.
He and the others that made that choice saw something in Connolly that they like. So maybe you are the redneck from the North.
Krista Johnson
Prince George