Mayor Dan Rogers is excited over the 2015 winter games, should we be? It must be nice looking at our city from a financial perspective. All you concentrate on is money. But what politics always seems to forget is that there are people behind the dollar signs. I am sure the 2015 winter games are an exciting prospect to some, but it is a shaming prospect for those of us that have to live through the crime ridden hell Prince George has become over the last 20 years. Back in the day, you could go for a walk at relatively any time, in most any part of the city without much fear. But now, I wouldn't go outside in most areas past about 8 PM. Just today, while waiting in the TD Canada trust parking lot, I got the joy of looking out of my window in time to see a drug deal go down. That is not the kind of surroundings I want my kids growing up with. In fact, maybe I should move to a country that has laws against producing and distributing illicit substances, but wait, every day drugs are more and more socially acceptable. This sickens me. I have been forced to sit and watch the wholesale destruction of what used to be nice people over drugs. RCMP do not have the manpower required to police the streets of this town, and it has gotten to the point that shootings and murders happen in broad daylight in residential areas of the city. I think it is time we stopped trying to find ways to advertise our inadequacies to the country. In fact, we should be cleaning up our gang and crime problems before bringing the best of Canada here to compete, and risk more killings, and more people caught in the crossfire.
Sara Corbin
Prince George