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Crosswalks - taking your life in your own hands

A month ago I stopped at a crosswalk when a women stepped out on the opposite sidewalk and I got rear-ended. Luckily no one was hurt and neither vehicle was damaged significantly.

A month ago I stopped at a crosswalk when a women stepped out on the opposite sidewalk and I got rear-ended. Luckily no one was hurt and neither vehicle was damaged significantly. But the whole experience just re-enforced my own personal experience walking to the college. I live just off 10th Ave. so it's a short walk to the college and one I take everyday. The longest most difficult part of the walk is crossing 15th Ave. There is a convenient crosswalk at Irwin Street but I still feel like I'm risking my life every time. Often it takes several minutes before any vehicles will stop, and even then it is only for the brief instant I am in front of their car, making it probably impossible for other drivers to see me or know they need to stop. I have been cut off on that cross walk so many times I've lost count, and had at least six close calls. I've tried crossing at the intersection but that isn't much better, with people racing through yellow lights and yield signs.

Maybe I shouldn't walk. Maybe it is just too dangerous to walk six blocks in Prince George. It seems to me that everyone is just too darn busy getting to or from work to notice me standing at the crosswalk, they can't wait a minute for me to safely cross (and you should wait, technically until I've safely reached the other sidewalk). Maybe if I had a high-visibility vest and a crossing guard stop sign, maybe then people would stop for me at the clearly-marked crosswalk. You would never consider blowing across the intersection when the crossing guard is there with kids, so why don't you want to stop for me? I'm just trying to get to school while saving a little gas and getting a little exercise. So next time you're racing around town: slow down and look around. There are people walking (and in the summer, biking) all over this town and they shouldn't have to have a brush with death just to get around.

Lisa Smart

Prince George