I recently showed a lady who was new to Prince George the sites, that I held dear as a child, growing up here.
We went to see the cutbanks and we were disgusted and appalled when we looked down there. There were two beautiful foxes lying in a huge mound of garbage. We could not believe how people could drop off their garbage, have the energy to carry it to the cutbanks and throw it down the hill, but don't have the energy to bring it to the landfill.
When we went down First Avenue, I showed her where we were and it wasn't hard to notice, since you could see the stream of garbage flowing down the bank. Maybe we should set up camera's that will catch these idiots in the act. Then slap them in the face with a $100,000 fine. Maybe then they will use common sense and the landfill.
Lora Wickware
Prince George