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Debate timing disrespectful to religious

I was sure sorry to hear of the All Candidates Forum on April 18 at CNC in Prince George. Many calendars published in our part of the world clearly show that this is the eve of Passover.

I was sure sorry to hear of the All Candidates Forum on April 18 at CNC in Prince George. Many calendars published in our part of the world clearly show that this is the eve of Passover.

A number people in Prince George, myself included, will be forced to choose between our religious priorities and our interest in attending the forum.

I would have expected some more sensitivity on the part of the organizers of this event in a multicultural society such as Canada.

Such planning effectively excludes a particular demographic on religious grounds. Would organizers have held the event this Sunday and expected Prince George residents to choose between the forum and their Easter dinners?

I hope in the future to see more care taken in this regard.

Adam Hrankowski

Prince George