The new driving penalties brought in for drinking and driving are far too realistic. Do not get me wrong, drinking and driving is a serious problem that needs to be addressed, but the quick changes to the Motor Vehicle Act have caused some different problems for British Columbians. The new penalties have coerced the population to refuse even one drink with dinner, which has resulted in a 20 per cent loss in revenue for restaurants and pubs.
That is a huge loss for business, which could result in the bankruptcy of struggling restaurants that are still recovering from the recession.
Drinking and driving is a problem that needs to be addressed, but through education, not through severe penalties imposed by the state. It is a responsibility to teach and practice self-control and that one drink really means one drink. Before imposing unrealistic drinking-driving laws upon us, Premier Gordon Campbell should have considered the majority who follow the rules, unlike the few like him who excessively drink and drive.
Now, because of people like him, we all must suffer and go thirsty at dinnertime.
Rusty Shackelford
Prince George