It was with great interest that I read the article on proportional representation. I am not a political scientist. But this method could become confusing to the average voter who just wants to cast a ballot for his favorite individual.
Instead of all the different ways we could vote, how about this? We get rid of the party system altogether. The country is all ready divided into ridings supposedly representing equal numbers of possible voters. Instead of having a house divided, that is a government side and an opposition side, we'd move to a "roundtable" concept. We elect an individual in each riding and he/she votes their conscience. We can still have parties to raise issues but no banners at the polling booth.
The individual in each riding with the most votes, wins. The leader of the government could be chosen by a vote from the elected members of the parliament. The leader could then select who they wish to head various departments, which they do now. Political appointments are just what they are. They are part of the "old boy" hold over from days gone by, some with no merit or expertise.
People feel disenfranchised when the party they voted for did not win. Vote for the individual whom you believe will do the most for you. You don't need a party to tell you how to vote.
Here's a bit of trivia: a gathering of eagles is called an aerie, a gathering of crows is called a murder, a gathering of baboons is called a parliament.
George Getty
Prince George