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Editorial was insulting

That's enough for me. I will not pay money to a newspaper that spits such venom back at me.

That's enough for me. I will not pay money to a newspaper that spits such venom back at me.

The way I see it, insults to Canadians who question that Harper, his corporate caucus or the possibilities of wrongdoing by Canadian troops are expressed for two reasons.

First, that the editorial board of the Citizen feels it can help the Conservatives and their movement to the far right by swaying public opinion.

Expressing an editorial opinion is one thing, but to call those opposed or those seeking the truth "self-serving" "parasites" or "intellectual cowards" is plainly and simply raging from a bully pulpit.

It is an attempt by a board with a public platform to shut down debate by creating fear among Canadian citizens of being seen as one of the insulting put downs quoted above.

It's nothing more than the same tactic used by the neo-cons during the Bush Administration.

The second reason for a tirade like this is probably to create controversy that spawns a flurry of letters to the editor. The editorial board of The Citizen seems to be attempting to increase circulation by creating controversy.

My response to this editorial decision is to show the ownership of The Citizen that I am unwilling to follow the direction taken by one of the editors and that I will not be publically insulted by their idiotic name calling.

The only way I have available to truly express my outrage and anger with the editorial direction and strategy taken by this board is to vote with my pocket book. I will be cancelling my subscription to The Citizen as soon as I have delivered this letter to the editor.

In closing I, as one of those "intellectual cowards," offer to meet the writer of this piece anywhere he chooses for a bare knuckle fist fight. I, in contrast to the coward behind the desk insulting us, have always answered the bell.

Robert Waite

Prince George