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EI benefits not enough to live on

It is out of extreme displeasure for the Employment Insurance system we have in British Columbia that I am writing this.

It is out of extreme displeasure for the Employment Insurance system we have in British Columbia that I am writing this. I have been employable in Prince George for over 30 years and I have had, and kept a job for almost every one of those years, shy of one time I was unemployed for no more than two months.

Jump to 2016. I am now unemployed due to a layoff and I am barely making ends meet. It disgusts me that I have contributed to society by way of the taxes I pay, paying into social services (so someone who doesn't/can't work gets my money), and the other endless money-sucking responsibilities I have, and I am now scraping the bottom of the barrel to survive.

I was even asked when applying for EI that if when I took this last job if I knew it was going to end in a layoff. Yes, that's it, I wanted to be without a job.

Give your head a shake. Some months it's a toss up as to who gets paid first.

This needs to stop.

The government needs to change the amount of money that hard working people receive. We are the ones that helped "make the world go around" and now should be treated with respect and dignity when we, for once, need a little help. With our economy being in the tank at this time, I am struggling to find a replacement job in my industry that will pay me what I need to continue to be a productive part of society and not lose my home.

Trudeau needs to see what is becoming of the hard working citizens of Canada, because we are going from employed with excellent credit ratings to worrying, anxiety riddled people every time the mortgage payment is due. Shame on Trudeau and shame on Canada for allowing this to happen and voting this kind of leader into power.

Tiffany May, Prince George