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Equality matters

It was with some interest that I read Mr. Godbout's editorial on identity. Which begs the question, who am I? I was born in the first half of the last century, so that means I've lived longer than a lot of the present population.

It was with some interest that I read Mr. Godbout's editorial on identity. Which begs the question, who am I? I was born in the first half of the last century, so that means I've lived longer than a lot of the present population. I was born in Canada. Does that not make me a "native" of Canada? I am not a supremacist or a bigot, I believe in equality, no one gets more than me or no less.

To give one segment of our society special privilege is not only unfair, but fosters resentment toward those who receive the largesse of government for no other reason than because of their birthright.

There is no harm in using funds for start-ups with the aim of self-sufficiency, education or health care. I believe in fairness to all, but with that fairness, there is a responsibility to contribute to the general good.

Some of the people have been used and abused, of which there is no doubt. But there is no reason to clamor that it is not enough and more should be handed out.

All I'm saying is that those who want to protect the environment and their way of life, go for it.

Demanding buckets of money for compensation will not change anything. Life will go on as it always has and the money will disappear down a rabbit hole.

I'm not saying we should pick on anybody, but we all cast a shadow so that makes us equal.

We all die and return to dust.

As far as identity is concerned, what does it matter? Nobody cares. In today's world, you are a series of ones and zeros.

Just check your ATM card.

George Getty,

Prince George