Ask Kathi
Caroline asked: Why is the water in my goldfish bowl cloudy?
Kathi: Your goldfish produces wastes, a part of which is ammonia. This is toxic to your fish, but there are bacteria that use the ammonia as a source of energy, and convert it to nitrite, which is also toxic. Another group of bacteria use the nitrite and convert it to nitrate, which is much safer for fish. As long as there is more ammonia and nitrite than the current bacteria can handle, they'll be reproducing pretty quickly. During this time your tank will be cloudy. Once there are enough bacteria to convert all the ammonia and nitrite to nitrate, the cloudiness will go away on its own.
This "cycling" is perfectly natural. It is not something you're doing wrong. Just don't think that the tank is dirty and empty everything to clean out the tank. That is a big mistake because you'll only be reducing the bacteria you need and start the process (and cloudiness) over. However, do remove about 10 per cent of the water and replace it with fresh water about twice a week until the water clears and do not overfeed your fish.
Jamie asked: If a dog's nose is hot, is it sick?
Kathi: This is a common misconception. An active, sniffing dog will often have a cool, wet nose, but a dry nose does not necessarily mean the dog is unwell. A feverish, lethargic dog might have a hot, dry, nose, but so might a perfectly healthy dog. A sick dog will usually have other symptoms.
Craig asked: Is milk good for a cat?
Kathi: Most cats are lactose intolerant. That means that they do not have the ability to digest cow's milk. Some animals may develop cramps and diarrhea from milk.
Marilyn asked: My son would like to have a Guinea Pig. Do they make good pets?
Kathi: Guinea pigs are one of the easiest and delightful pets that one can have. They are not pigs and they do not come from New Guinea, but they do rank very high on the cuddle meter. In actuality the guinea pig or cavie, as it is known everywhere except North America, is a rodent closely related to chinchillas. They are mellow and responsive pets. Aggression is rarely found in a guinea pig. This is a delightful pet for the responsible child. They do actually bond with people and acknowledge different people and their gestures with a whisper or purr.
Amelia asked: I have an African Grey parrot that I let out of the cage. What can I do to prevent him from flying away?
Kathi: It is a wise idea to clip both primary flight feathers on both wings of you parrot to avoid accidental escape. It will also prevent your bird from flying into ceiling fans and other hazards. Clipping the wings is a painless and simple procedure. However, make sure you do not attempt it yourself until you have been taught by an expert.
Winie asked: What should I do if my dog becomes lost?
Kathi: Make sure you have a clear photograph of your pet before it is lost. Should it become lost, search your neighbourhood for your pet. Notify the BC SPCA North Cariboo Branch at 250-562-5511. Prepare copies of the photo, preferably as part of a flyer with contact and other information on it. Distribute and post it in public places. Go to the BC SPCA shelter, provide them with the flyer and description and return there at least every other day until your pet is found. What you say your pet looks like and someone else's interpretation can often be totally different.
Clem asked: My cat is an indoor cat. Does it still need identification?
Kathi: Yes, even the indoor cat that never goes out still needs identification. More lost cats show up at BC SPCA shelters than any other pet. They can slip out of the tiniest spaces. As they say, "an ounce of prevention is a pound of cure".
If you are afraid of a cat getting the collar caught on something, purchase one of the expandable kind. Purchase a tag that has your name and telephone number clearly engraved on it. To ensure your cat is reunited with you, there are two painless and highly recommended procedures which can be done by your veterinarian. One is micro chipping and the other is tattooing.
If you have a question please send it along to [email protected].