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Every child

RE: Premier snubs poor kids (Willcocks May 29) Paul Willicocks' column" Premier snubs poor kids" on this page recently brought to light yet another opportunity that this premier and his government has missed to address the most pressing issue ignored

RE: Premier snubs poor kids (Willcocks May 29)

Paul Willicocks' column" Premier snubs poor kids" on this page recently brought to light yet another opportunity that this premier and his government has missed to address the most pressing issue ignored by our elected officials this past decade. As noted by Mr. Willicocks, B.C. has had the highest child poverty rate in Canada for the last six years coupled with public and private fights with the child advocate and an unwillingness to follow up on Judge Hughes' damning report on the job done by our child and family services ministry in the past decade. Coupled with repeated and ongoing cuts to K-12 education we can clearly see that child welfare takes a back seat to the corporate welfare demonstrated by the deceitful implementation of the HST.

Why should we be so concerned with the declining living and learning conditions of our children this past decade? This group of children living under Campbell rule are one of the smallest generations in some time. As a wave of retiring boomers swells the ranks of our seniors it has never been more important to make sure that every child gets what they need to develop into productive citizens. Cutting corners on child welfare and education while granting massive corporate welfare is a sure fire way to darken future prospects for all British Columbians.

Matt Pearce

Prince George

Editor's note: Matt Pearce is the vice-president of the P.G. and District Teachers Federation