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Exceptional visit to Prince George

I have just returned to the U.S. after an exceptional visit to Prince George. Fifteen years ago I visited with Victoria Wyndham. At the time we were starring in NBC's soap opera, Another World as "Carl and Rachel.

I have just returned to the U.S. after an exceptional visit to Prince George.

Fifteen years ago I visited with Victoria Wyndham. At the time we were starring in NBC's soap opera, Another World as "Carl and Rachel."

We were there to perform in a benefit for a local theatre. I remember enjoying the visit. I was invited this year to give the Dr. Ewert memorial lecture at the Civic Centre.

This event is organized to celebrate and promote northern physicians and care givers, and the work they accomplish.

This visit was different.

I was struck by the graciousness of all I came in contact with - the hotel staff at the Ramada, the young men and women at Starbucks, the students at the two high schools I visited, and especially at the Civic Centre.

Close to 500 people dedicated to the welfare, the health and care, of your diverse communities. The audience at the Civic Centre was special, gracious and informed and I wondered if what I felt and sensed at the Civic Centre had percolated throughout the town.

Thank you for such a memorable experience and please know that your medical community would be very welcome here in Connecticut.

Charles Keating