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Forget potholes and revitalization, crime is rampant in Prince George

I have recently read "letters to the editor" about things like potholes and downtown revitalization. All of which, would be lovely if they could be fixed. I don't enjoy driving over potholes but, whatever, I can manage.

I have recently read "letters to the editor" about things like potholes and downtown revitalization. All of which, would be lovely if they could be fixed. I don't enjoy driving over potholes but, whatever, I can manage.

One thing I believe needs to have attention paid to it however, is the "petty crimes" that have been occurring around the Prince George area. A friend of mine recently had her daughter's bike stolen from her backyard.

Now, I know someone will make the comment, "Why did she leave it back there?" I hate that we live in a society where people feel the need to lock up every single thing they own.

Worse yet, I hate the feeling of entitlement that these thieves clearly have. What is wrong with people that they feel they are owed a bike, or a car, etc. In this case, you have a hard working family who got their daughter an amazing bike for her birthday.

Now, thanks to a local hooligan, she no longer has that bike.

I was also driving to the Tim Horton's in College Heights this week, I noticed there are obscenities written all over it.

We have a mayor who cares so much about cleaning up this city and this is the thanks that he gets for it.

Forget "downtown revitalization," forget repairing the roads.

What is the point of fixing anything until the people that destroy and steal other people's property can drop their issues and allow Prince George to be a beautiful city once again.

Angela Henderson

Prince George