Why I wonder why would Mr. Gatehouse put pen to paper for such a non issue as the mayor on the front page of the Citizen with a person who lives an alternate lifestyle.
It takes a lot of parts for the mayor to represent us all equally regardless of whether Mr. Gatehouse would label some of the people deviates. Imagine what it would be like if all of us were the same. Like me for instance, or worse like a bigot.
There are not enough alternate lifestyle living people in Prince George to sway the vote so Dan Rogers isn't doing it for that. Besides, he's already in. And to say, "one term Dan," shame on you.
Has not Mr. Gatehouse paid any attention to history? The incumbent in P.G. for the most parts gets in especially for the mayors chair.
Perhaps Mr. Gatehouse in his infinite wisdom should run for mayor himself. Better to have tried and lost than not to have tried at all. Lord knows I have.
Eugene Fetterly