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Gerry Chidiac: Chretien was so right 20 years ago

Jean Chrétien kept us out of the Iraq War, saved Canadian lives, and prevented us from being complicit in atrocious war crimes.
Former prime minister Jean Chretien waves following an unveiling ceremony of Chretien's official portrait in Ottawa, May 25, 2010. (By Adrian Wyld, The Canadian Press)

This month marks 20 years since another fatal error by the American Empire, and what is arguably the wisest Canadian foreign policy decision of the 21st century.

On March 19, 2003, bombers began the unprovoked pummelling of Iraq, and a day later the land invasion by U.S., British, Australian, and Polish forces began.  The result has been hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths, as well as military deaths, and instability in the region that continues to this day. 

The invasion was a catastrophe in every sense of the word, from deaths to the destruction of ancient landmarks.  From the financial costs to the countries involved, to the deep trauma caused to the people who survived.  The only ones who benefited were corporations that suck from public coffers, especially the military contractors and their stockholders.

Retired U.S. Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, former Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, acknowledges and deeply regrets the role he played in the debacle.  He was instrumental in writing the infamous speech Powell delivered to the United Nations a month before the invasion claiming irrefutable evidence of “weapons of mass destruction.”  

When confronted on the role he played, Wilkerson acknowledges that he is “guilty as charged.”   He also recognizes the dangerous path his country continues to follow and is using his knowledge and experience to advance the cause of global peace.

But why didn’t Canada follow our strongest allies into the futile war in Iraq?  Most of the Canadian population was against this war, but ultimate credit needs to be given to our then Prime Minister Jean Chrétien. 

Chrétien faced tremendous pressure, from both American President George Bush and UK Prime Minister Tony Blair.  He also faced pressure from the Conservative Party led by Stephen Harper and even from within his own Liberal Party.  It can be argued that Chrétien was an astute politician and knew that it was not expedient to go against his electorate.

This may be the case, but it does not sound like Chrétien.  He may have been many things, but wishy-washy was not one of them.  What seemed to endear him most to Canadians was his straightforward and sincere manner, peppered with a sharp, often self-effacing sense of humour.  People trusted him, even in Western Canada (a rarity for Liberals), and throughout his political career, he remained largely accountable to that confidence.

Chrétien not only kept us out of the Iraq War, saved Canadian lives, and prevented us from being complicit in atrocious war crimes, but he also demonstrated that Canada does not have to walk lockstep with our powerful American neighbours in our foreign policy.  The United States remains Canada’s largest trading partner, and there were no consequences to Canada saying no to the war in Iraq.  This should be duly noted by the spineless political leaders we have today. 

The American Empire is in decline.  While they have the most powerful and expensive military, they cannot win a war.  They have also lost the respect of the world, especially in the global south.  As Canada mindlessly supports American foreign policy and the coups that they instigate, our prestige suffers along with theirs.  Most Canadians would be shocked, for example, to learn of the reputation our government and our corporations have created in much of the world.

Credit must be given to Canadians for opposing the invasion of Iraq in 2003, and credit must be given to Chrétien for honouring our will.  Our leaders since that time seem to have forgotten that we are an independent country, capable of following our own discernment. 

We need to again embrace the legacy of 2003 and be the version of Canada that our children will be proud of.

Gerry Chidiac is a Prince George writer.