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Ginter's for everyone

Oh how delusional is Ms. Holzworth in her own self-absorbed way. She may be a self-described member of "the gang at Ginter's field", but despite her perception, Ginter's is not her exclusive turf.

Oh how delusional is Ms. Holzworth in her own self-absorbed way. She may be a self-described member of "the gang at Ginter's field", but despite her perception, Ginter's is not her exclusive turf. Ginter's is for everyone to use, not just her and her friends exclusively.

To also ascribe someone as being petrified of dogs and suggesting they exit the park speaks volumes as to her arrogance and boggles ones mind.

I, as are many others, am a daily user of Ginter's and like the lady Ms. Holzworth berated in her letter, I have had less than pleasant encounters with her "very friendly dogs". Yes, Ginter's is a designated off-leash park, but what Ms Holzwoth fails to understand is that there is the tacit understanding that all dogs be under the control of their owners, which I can say from first-hand experience, hers and her friends' are not. In my encounters with "the friendly dogs" (read "dogs jumping up on and making physical contact with me, while attempting to harass the dog in my arms, which I had been forced to rescue from their aggressive attentions"), at no time did any of the owners ever make any attempt to control their dogs either physically or by command.

It is widely and wisely understood that the dog should not always be blamed for it's behavior, but rather the owner.

In conclusion, thankfully the overwhelming number of dog owners availing themselves of Ginter's, are fully responsible people and understand their obligations, not only to their dogs (by giving them daily exercise), but also to their fellow users by maintaining control over their obviously well-trained dogs.

John Wyatt

Prince George