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Give us the sordid details

I have been reading your on-going, National Enquirer simulation of the unfounded and boring accounts of wrongdoing, (hanky panky) within our local civil service and the ensuing childish finger pointing, allegations and court cases.

I have been reading your on-going, National Enquirer simulation of the unfounded and boring accounts of wrongdoing, (hanky panky) within our local civil service and the ensuing childish finger pointing, allegations and court cases. As a taxpayer, I don't think it should be a burden to the taxpayers.

I think you, as a local newspaper, should publish exactly what this supposed exercise in closet sex has cost us, the taxpayers, and then we might understand why the city can't hire enough bylaw officers to administer our bylaws and make our city safe.

I also think anything pertinent to the running of our city should be open to all citizens, because we as voters have voted, and as such have hired these politicians, and we should know at all times what they are doing, in case we want to fire them.

Unless it's another one of the hidden secrets our mayor and counsel are not ready to divulge. Secret meetings behind closed doors are counterproductive to a true democracy.

Mel McConaghy

Prince George