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Government leaders trying their best

For weeks now I have been reading letters and articles that put down the decisions our governments make.

For weeks now I have been reading letters and articles that put down the decisions our governments make. We hire a boss to take care of our business and give him an open hand to do what is in the best interest of our company or in any case our community, province or our country.

We liked what the boss said to get hired. Then we are the worst at giving that boss the shaft when he does take charge. We say to him - take care of our money and don't give it away. We say, that we need to have a saving account for our children's future. Then once that boss takes control and sets out to do a job, we get upset because we want to change the game plan.

We can not second guess every detail or why would we hire anyone to do the Job of running our community, province or country.

Why do we have to chastise those we elected when we will not try to understand the difficult decisions that they are faced with every day.

In our community taxes need to go up - we want better roads, we want curbside recycling, we want more police. Where does that money come from - oh goodness -that would be us!

We can not have it both ways. We need to give to get. We need to understand before we condemn. We need to be thankful that those we hired to do a job are looking to the future to make sure we can have a great community, province and country.

Yes we need to be diligent on keeping tabs on our hired people. However, we also need to put trust and faith that in these difficult times the boss will do the job to the best he or she can.

To mayor and council, to Premier Campbell and our MLA's, to Prime Minister Harper and our MP - thank you for doing a job that I would not want. You all do a job that is thankless in many ways.

So, for a change, thank you all for being the ones to hold the purse strings and make the most difficult and unappreciated decisions. Most difficult decisions are not popular at anytime let alone in difficult times.

Monica Peacock

Prince George