Growing up here in Prince George I used to think that my dad was the king of the rednecks.
That being what it was, when it was, and I was about 30, I started to realize that he was more tolerant that I ever was up until then. He wasn't mean to mom, us kids or the neighbours. But he didn't put up with any B.S. either. Snivelers were his pet peeve. As in people who would complain about things they could do something about, but were simply just too lazy to get up off their duffs and deal with it.
That being said, brings me to the reason for this letter: The Donald.
Yes, the president-elect of the United States of America.
What an upset, no one could see that one coming. Some say that the backers of Mr. Trump sucker punched the world. Not so, these people were obviously sick and tired of listening to these so called snivelers (that I mentioned before) and The Donald was their "Trump" card, pun intended.
Now that Mr. Trump has been elected people have no choice but to grin and bear it, as in they didn't have the intestinal fortitude to put up, so now they have to shut up for the next four years at least.
Back to the lily whites and the tolerance part. Mr. Trump deserves the benefit of the doubt. It isn't like he can start slinging nukes around and even if he could because lets face it, he's got more to lose than most (materially) of the people in the world combined.
In closing, I think that our own little redneck city Prince George should be the first city in Canada to write him a letter of congratulations, because Canadians owe ourselves the gift of gratitude because the United States ain't never gonna let anyone come and get us because they can't.
Did I hear someone say The Donald is now the big dog in the manger?
Eugene Fetterly
Prince George