I am writing in regards to a conversation I overheard when I stopped to check out an art gallery a couple of Sundays ago.
When I first entered the store I was really impressed with the art work one of our local artists had created. I was not impressed by the conversation the artist was engaged in.
She was complaining about a group of people gathered on the sidewalk. She made comments about how customers see these people and do not want to come into her store, that they are bad for business, they should find somewhere else to go.
Does she have no humanity? Is her business worth more than someone's life? Where should these people spend their time? In a gutter somewhere, where no one will see them?
Gone are the days where shopkeepers are permitted to put signs in their windows banning certain groups from entering. Any business person who wishes those days to return is not getting my business.
Natalie Parsons
Prince George