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Higher cost in the long-run

[Rejecting a new arena] is absolutely terrible news for the city of Prince George and its citizens... even for those who were against this but don't realize how much money will be wasted for very little gain.

[Rejecting a new arena] is absolutely terrible news for the city of Prince George and its citizens... even for those who were against this but don't realize how much money will be wasted for very little gain.

Yes, there were many people who were against spending $22 million to $23 million on a new arena and renovation of Kin Centre, and I count myself among those people.

What those of you who vote against this never chose to listen to, even though Al Hines and others were making it abundantly clear, was that as taxpayers we just wanted to get the most out of this opportunity for our city.

The CN Centre cost $16.8 million to build... surely we could have gotten away with a smaller new rink attached to the existing Kin Centres built for $10 million to $12 million and that would still leave $5 million to $7 million for the renovations that are sorely needed.

It is very disappointing that the citizens of P.G. will not be getting good value for our tax dollars once again. I can tell you that I have lost all confidence in those of you who voted against this, as leaders of our community.

Unfortunately my family and many others will now suffer with the even greater constraints on access to ice time that the closing of Kin 1 will bring over the next several years. This will be a strong reminder of who not to support in the next civic elections.

The hundreds of people who voiced their opinions to you before this were not nearly the only ones who agree, and if everyone else knew the truth about the costs, they would see what is so obvious.


Prince George