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Hotel proud of environmental effort

Re: Letter to the Editor, June 14, 2010, "Carbon offsets don't really deal with problem" I was disappointed to read Laurie Saindon's misinformed criticism of the Coast Inn of the North's carbon offset program. Contrary to Ms.

Re: Letter to the Editor, June 14, 2010, "Carbon offsets don't really deal with problem"

I was disappointed to read Laurie Saindon's misinformed criticism of the Coast Inn of the North's carbon offset program.

Contrary to Ms. Saindon's allegation that carbon offsets are nothing more a "feel good program," money used to purchase carbon credits is applied to fuel switching and energy efficiency projects in B.C., which directly reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

While it's not always possible to fully eliminate greenhouse gas emissions, offsets purchased from Pacific Carbon Trust are stringently regulated and verified to ensure the greenhouse gas reductions make a genuine and lasting contribution to the environment. In addition, the existence of the hotel's carbon offset program serves as a gentle reminder to guests to limit their energy and water consumption while on vacation.

A carbon offset program does not give a company licence to shirk its environmental responsibilities, as the writer contends. Coast Hotels & Resorts' carbon offset program is just one of the many environmental initiatives adopted by the hotel chain to help reduce our collective environmental footprint.

The Coast Inn of the North has an extensive recycling program underway, for example. All paper products used in the hotel are derived from 100-per-cent recycled products. Recyclable key cards are used throughout the hotel chain, significantly reducing plastic destined for the landfills. For the last 10 years, Coast Hotels & Resorts has been providing guest room shampoo, bath gel and lotions in refillable bulk containers to reduce the number of small plastic bottles used. And energy efficient lighting and appliances, low-flow shower heads and toilets have been installed throughout the Coast Inn of the North to reduce water and energy consumption

Could we be doing more to reduce our environmental impact? Absolutely, and we will continue to do so, not because it's a "fad" or in vogue but because it's the right thing to do.

Doug Andrews

general manager

Coast Inn of the North