Ah, the great HST. Where do you start. Firstly it is a sad commentary on the current style of this government, in particular where you promise one thing and then do another. The voters failed to learn from the BC Rail selloff and also worried about the socialist hordes, gave them another kick at the can. The can in this case being our own collective backsides. On top of this we have our own elected representatives, who further insult us by toeing the party line out of fear, not of their constituents but of their own political party and leader.
A good majority of the people I have talked to, like myself are not against the HST but rather how it is being implemented. The current method is nothing but a blatant tax grab. If it is really was about efficiency and competitiveness for businesses, it could have been implemented with a lowering of the overall tax rate. In other words if the tax was going to generate an extra two billion dollars then the government could have reduced the current tax rate across the board making it revenue neutral.
Business would have had what it required and the electorate would not have to take another beating. We would not be getting into tax credits and rebates etc.
This would have been fair, equitable and efficient for all.
The current government however, having being given its third mandate, saw this as an opportunity to piggy back onto what they thought they could trot out as a missed opportunity for business. They would just be the hapless beneficiaries of a good thing.
As we all know, when you get government talking about efficiency, there's trouble. The current state we are in is proof of that.
Dean Cole
Prince George