In response to '" Servers treated poorly " in wednesday's Citizen, I would like to say.
Hannah Cameron is quick to include in the letter " the majority of people in Prince George are clueless and/or inconsiderate." I would like to know where she gets her info? This means that at 51 or more patrons out of 100 are clueless and/or inconsiderate. How do you feelabout this comment Prince George?Furthermore I would like to comment on Hannah's whining about 15 to 25 per cent tips. It's not only waitresses or waiters that work for minimum wage. What about the pump jockey that has to work in -20 to -40 degree weather working for peanuts, or the cashier in the convenience store that probably has to know much more in their job than slinging hash. Or what about employees at shopping malls or big-box stores that put up with whining customers during their shift? None, or very few of these workers get tips. I for one dine out quite often and I will not tip poor service or poor food. It's been my experience that my wife and I run into poor service one in five times when we dine out. As far as a 25 per cent tip, not in my lifetime.
I'm one of those 10 per centers, and on occasion 15 per cent on exceptional service and food. Call me cheap if you will. In closing, I would like to say, "If you don't like the wage, find another job."
Al Bockus
Prince George