Ok, today I'm a little pissed off, pardon me. When I read Dave Harrison"s article in the editors comment section on Sat, May 14, I just had to say a few things.
Mr. Harrison, on Sept 11, 2001, did Osama Bin Laden give any of the 3200 people there day in court? Nope, instead he declared war on the U.S.A.
He then went on to kill many more people without their day in court. Now Mr. Harrison, When you declare war on a country, there is no court day.
One other point. The night they ran up to Bin Laden, How would they know he wouldn't have had a string tied to a bomb, like they have so many times in the past.
The faster he was put down, the safer it would have been. Also, Mr Harrison, if they locked him up, the terrorist would make many attempts to free him.
The reason he was buried at sea, was so he would not have a monument over his body. He certainly didn't deserve it. OK , I'm done, justice has been served.
Peter Campbell.
Prince George