A recent edition featured a photo of women in Montreal demonstrating. Their point was that women should be able to dress as they like without fear of being attacked.
As to the broad point, I agree. Anyone should be able to dress as they like without such fear.
Without limiting that statement, the simple fact is that both male and female react differently to sexual stimulus. As a glaring example of that fact look to the volume of pornography available to males worldwide and the billions made by the sex industry. Television shows gain male audience by introducing an attractive female star wearing provocative clothing.
So without demanding that all women wear a burka in public, a woman who takes advantage of this difference by wearing clothing designed to attract males and who wears such clothing in places where males tend to drink or take drugs certainly increases her chances of an unpleasant encounter.
Some males never had the normal inhibitions and absorbed too many macho tales (and believed them). Perhaps they lack the intelligence to discern that those tales are not reality. More often, the male has taken alcohol or drugs that have removed his normal common sense and inhibitions. Extreme clothing can obviously make a difference and might lead to situations best avoided.
This is not to say such is justification for any unwanted advances. But just as plants have flowers to attract bees, women may dress in extreme ways to attract males. Clothing derived from the sex trade has a purpose which demands the wearer use discretion in where and when it is worn.
Both males and females should take account of such basic facts and use common sense.
Let the battle begin.
Willow Arune
Prince George